中层管理人员;中间管理层 the people who are in charge of small groups of people and departments within a business organization but who are not involved in making important decisions that will affect the whole organization
N-UNCOUNT 中层管理人员;中级管理层 Middle management refers to managers who are below the top level of management, and who are responsible for controlling and running an organization rather than making decisions about how it operates.
The proportion of women in middle management has risen to 40%. 中层管理人员中女性所占比例已经上升至40%。
The proportion of women in middle management has risen to 40%. 中层管理人员中女性所占比例已经上升至40%。
The typical culprits tend to fall in one of four categories: a lack of vision, middle management permafrost, a lack of understanding about change, and a lack of good methods to measure and implement change. 失败的原因通常都能归结为下列四种中的一个:没有愿景、中层管理人员毫无活力、对改变缺乏理解以及没有好的方法来衡量改变,实现改变。
Dear Annie: late last year, the top management at my company unveiled a major strategy change for 2013, and put those of us in middle management in charge of making sure everyone who reports to us is on board with the new approach. 亲爱的安妮:去年底,我所在公司的最高管理层宣布了2013年重大战略调整计划,要求我们这些中层管理者负责确保每个员工都支持这一计划。
• commongood careers& a small, selective database of executive and middle management openings at Nonprofits •CommongoodCareers&这是一个关于非营利性组织高管和中层管理空缺职位的小型精选数据库
Defense of market share and other defensive actions very often set in, and middle management begins to drive the culture and strategy of a company. (一旦达到一定的规模,)往往就会出现捍卫市场份额和其他的防御性行动,而中层管理者则开始强调一家公司的文化和战略。
Both draw upon executive, middle management, and practitioner staff. 双方都利用行政、中层管理和从业人员。
They often discuss basic office principles, which are relevant for staff working under the middle management level. 他们经常讨论基本的办公室原则,这些原则与在中级管理层下工作的职工相关。
Invest in middle management 加大对中层的投入
Women make up half the workforce and are closing the gap in middle management. 公司里,一半的员工都是女性,而中等管理层中男女比例的差距也日益减小。
I have watched many talented people struggle to advance beyond middle management and through the glass ceiling. 曾看到很多优秀人才很难做到中层以上、突破那层玻璃天花板。
Why do so many working moms 'careers stall out when they hit middle management? 为什么很多上班妈妈当上中层管理人员后其职业生涯就陷入停滞?
In middle management and below, the job is all about execution: delivering on the ideas and strategies that others have created. 中层及以下级别的岗位只关系到执行,即兑现别人制定的创意和策略。
Research at London Business School has found little evidence of gender differences at middle management level across industry sectors. 伦敦商学院的研究发现,几乎没有证据表明,各个行业的中级管理层存在性别差异。
The idea of performance appraisal of the middle management which centers on the performance has been formed in the universities, but there are quite a few problems on the performance appraisal. 目前高等学校已基本形成了以工作实绩为核心的中层管理人员绩效考核思想,但在绩效评价的方法上尚存诸多问题。
He then worked around the world in middle management and sales for manufacturers, which taught him financial controls and how to deal with people, he says. 之后,他去过许多国家,在多家制造商的中层管理与销售部门供过职。他表示,正是这些经历教会了他财务控制以及如何与人打交道。
After a long-term investigation, the author learns that the root source of problems existing in china clothing enterprises is especially human resource development of the middle management. 本文作者经过长期调研,了解到中国服装企业存在的问题的根源是中层管理人员的开发问题,其严重地影响了服装企业的发展和第二次飞跃的实现。
The Role of Middle Management Is to govern the next level of staff to meet the Company set objective and together as a team to excel in the daily performance. 中层管理者的作用就是要管理下属员工以达到公司既定目标,并组成团队优化日常表现。
The shortage of professionals – typically middle management accountants, engineers, information technology workers, sales and marketing staff and other posts that normally require degree-level qualifications – is now starting to threaten growth opportunities, Manpower said. 万宝盛华称,专业人才的短缺正开始对经济增长机会形成威胁。专业人才一般指中层管理会计师、工程师、信息技术人员、销售与市场营销人员,以及其它通常需要学位资格的岗位。
But he also recognised that big businesses can be as innovative as small ones, and that entrepreneurs can arise from middle management as well as college dorm-rooms. 他还认为大公司的创新精神不会逊于小公司,并且企业家既可能出自中层管理人员,也可能来自大学宿舍。
There are very few women above middle management. 在中级管理阶层之上,几乎没有妇女。
2 middle management deals with the actual administration and operation of organization's activities. 管理中层处理组织活动中实际的管理和操作。
There is no middle management. 没有中层管理。
LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility. 最近工作职位:中层管理阶级的目标。
There are separate dining rooms for staff, middle management, and senior management. 职员、中级管理人员和高级管理人员各有各的餐厅。
He was raised with help from his grandfather, who served in Patton's army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool to middle management at a bank. 他由爷爷扶养,当时服役于巴顿军队,他的奶奶在一家银行工作,最初在秘书室后来晋升到了中层管理。
He began comparing Bangladesh, Cambodia and India from the point of view of labour costs and availability, electricity supply, ports and road infrastructure, the quality of middle management and, of course, relative levels of corruption. 他开始对孟加拉国、柬埔寨和印度进行考察,对比劳动力成本、劳动力供给、供电、港口和道路基础设施、中层管理质量当然,还有相对腐败程度等方面。
Mr Watanabe is convinced he must cement the integration through communication. I met with the middle management here, he says. 渡部贤一深信,必须通过交流来巩固整合成果。我会见了这里的中层管理人员,他表示。
A familial relationship has emerged within the department, and many designers have advanced to middle management positions. 部门内有着家庭般的和谐气氛,许多设计师被提升到公司中级管理职位。
Middle Management in Execution of Corporate-style Management Practices Manual 企业中层管理人员执行力手册式管理方法
The remaining gap is caused by inefficiencies such as poor work organization, low levels of IT and automation, and bloated middle management. 剩下的差距是效率低下造成的,如扶贫工作的组织,水平低的IT和自动化,以及臃肿的中层管理人员。